Tuesday, July 26, 2005

There are many that say she is over the hill but there is really not many stars out there that can bring down the house like she does. And she does it almost effortlessly. I will always remember hearing her sing for the first time in Singapore many years ago. That was her first album promo. She sang right straight into your heart and you will be touched. Recent years, she does sound tired but she still sings so much better than many others. 10% of her surpass 200% of many others.
Happy National Day, SINGAPORE!!! (the flags are always flipped over with the strong winds.)

I came home happy tonight. The flags are flying instead of red light district killing me!!! They finally decided to remove all the red paper that is turning my block into pseudo Geylang. Except for 2 lights (in the entire block) that somehow were left remaining with the red cellophane paper. I was still joking to my dad that these guys must be in a hurry to knock off. That is why 2 lights were left undone. Of course this is pure speculation but this joke lead to a reality later that could cause an accident. (see my archive if you want to know more abt pseudo Geylang)

The joy from the removal of the red cellophane paper is perhaps shortlived in some ways. I was having dinner when there was a loud "thud" sound outside. Didn't bother to find out. Later my dad who came back told us that the cover on one of the lights came off and fell. That was where the sound came from. Wish a better job could be done. This could be dangerous. If you are unlucky, this is like a flower pot dropping on your head. Just that the distance is much nearer.